Saturday, April 5, 2008

i need a twin and a cowboy hat

i just bought a scooter! we have been a one vehicle family for quite some time now, which i have absolutely hated. so for some reason we ended up at the scooter dealer yesterday and steph and i fooled around in there parking lot, playing with the four wheelers and rhinos and stuff. we ended up sitting on the scooters as the sales person approached us. he gave us the usual salesman garbage and asked if we like to take a test drive. steph immediately said yes. after 5 seconds worth of instructions from the salesman she takes off! she slowly winds through the various obstacles on the lot, through all of the other vehicles and is almost back to us when........... you guessed it, she wrecks and lays the bike down. so we promptly asked the salesman for a credit app. which he responded with "damn straight i'm getting you a credit app". 10 minutes later i was on the open road, wind in my hair, bugs in my teeth...... free. only one problem, i am 320 lbs. i'm sure you've all seen the picture in the Guinness book of world records with the 2 great big fat twins on the little tine motorcycles with the cowboy hats on. i was one of them, sans twin, sans cowboy hat.

on the bright side, it gets 97 mpg and the payment is very low. now all i have to do is figure out how to transport a big gulp on it and i'll have it made!

hope all is well
love you all

joel baby

p.s. i never capitalize


Big Kahuna said...

Get one of those beer (soda) dispensing plastic helmets. Also, I believe a picture is appropriate (with twin and cowbay hat).

CrazyCow said...

I agree that a photo would be appropriate at this juncture. By the by, you neglected to say if Steph was injured? Surely hope not. Also, I know a guy who probably weighs 50 lbs more than you and his wife is no slouch in the weight department either (perhaps 230 lbs). They enjoy a lovely Sunday Ride on the hog (honda scooter) as much as the next person. It is actually quite amusing. As far as the drink is concerned. I have one work for you, "Camelback". See you.

joel baby said...

it's awesome! i found a drink holder that fits in the hatch under the seat. it is the perfect size to fit!!!!!! the gods are shining on we

joel baby

Big Kahuna said...

"Just when I think you couldn't possibly be any go and do something like this...AND TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!"

CrazyCow said...

very well said - we still await photos of the new hog. Get to it joel baby.

joel baby said...

i get some pic's together. the only pics i currently have are of me riding it wearing only a cape and a space helmet so i'll have to take new ones cuz we're supposed to keep this thing g rated.

kissy lovey

j bizzle