Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Long Time, No Blog...

Hello-Ha Family,

Our family blog has been rather devoid of family blogging for quite some time, I thought I would reignite the fire within each of you to overshare, wax philisophical, and say silly stuff about various family members...or not.

As for me, I have an appointment on October 14th at 7pm to have Zeke. I wanted to do it on the 12th, but for whatever reason, my doctor won't do it that day. I refused to do it on the 13th (sorry Michelle, I know you are a 13th, but I don't want my kid to have a birthday that winds up on Friday the 13th, especially not October 13th, sounds very scary). (Incidentally, I noticed when we were at IMC yesterday visiting Joshie that there is no 13th floor in the building). I think the word we're looking for here is ANYWAY, Zeke is going to be here on that day at that time, unless nature intervenes. Or unless I can talk the doctor into doing on the 9th. So Zeke is going to be joining us here shortly.

Zoey has learned how to call Mommy from Gramma's cell phone. This is very frightening to me. My joke about her having a Blackberry isn't so far off afterall. She also says really awesome stuff like "bite, bite, bite" when someone in her presence is eating something and she wants some. She says "okay" when you ask her a question and says "YES!" when you ask her if she is cute. She knows where her tummy and her hair are, but is still confused about her nose. That won't last long if she got the Bradford genes in that department (I still can't decide if she has John's nose or mine). She's very funny and she flirts and teases and bumbles along all day. She keeps me entertained (and everyone else for that matter).

Now for the moment you have all been waiting for (and/or dreading), news on John. He is currently a trustee at the Salt Lake County Metro Jail, but will likely be released soon on ankle-monitor for the remainder of his commitment (till December). I won't go into all the details about why he's there, but it is really just old crap that he didn't take care of when he should have. A word to the wise: Don't drive on an expired license, expired registration, or without insurance. EVER! It costs a lot of money and if you don't take care of it, the trouble just mounts. John and I love each other very much and we love our kids and our family and want to make sure that when he is finished with this mess, that will be the end of the trouble. We ask that our family supports us and loves us and we both appreciate everything that all of you do for us every day. It is an amazing blessing to have such a great family, I wish I could express just how much I love and appreciate each of you.

Okay, now that that's over with, what's happening with everyone else?