Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hey family - look at my own personal blog

Hey Far Flungites - Just letting you know that I now have my very own blog. It's kinda silly, but, check it out mikemelissawood.blogspot.com . Joel-Love the picture on the scooter. Now we need video. How are you by the way? Just checking. Just an update on us...Melissa is going crazy (again) getting reading for Thrilling Thursday (formerly known as Super Saturday), also going crazy trying to keep my chauffering schedule on track. Mike is now working mostly in Cali and Portland during the week. He is usually home on weekends, so Melissa is going crazy trying to keep the woodlets under control. Josh is playing football again this year, and it is probably his last year, so come see a game!! They are pretty fun, just ask Dad. He loves them. Can you imagine the commentary from him? "Now, if I were the coach...." . Carley is dancing again and chewing a lot of gum and listening to her iPod alot and texting Josh's 16 year old friends on her phone and generally just being the cute Carley that we love. Erin is playing soccer and dancing and learning violin and helping me cook dinner almost every night. She is such a cutie and probably the shortest 10 year old I have ever seen. The girls in her primary class literally tower over her. Lizzy is Lizzy. She is learning violin (so good for the ears), dancing (she likes hip-hop the best) and just being herself. Kinda bossy and kinda sweet. That's how she rolls. Autumn is 3 going on 25. She rules the roost. When did I lose control? She did say one funny thing the other day. SO, Lizzy was being herself (the bossy self), and Autumn decided to do something about it. So she got her magic wand, and stood on the ottoman in the living room and said "Lizzy, I am casting a spell on you to be nice!" And she waved her wand, at that was that. Why couldn't it be that easy? "Josh, I am casting a spell on you to stop having hormones - POOF" "Carley-I am casting a spell on you to stop smacking your gum and listening to the ipod 24/7 - POOF" "Erin, I am casting a spell on you to wear deodorant on a daily basis - POOF" "Lizzy, I am casting a spell on you to learn the violin post haste - POOF" and finally "Autumn, I am casting a spell on you to stop ordering everyone in this family around with your smirky little smile and your puppy dogs eyes - POOF" If it were only that easy. Life would be good. I hope you all are doing well. We need to get together very soon. I hate that we are all so far away. However, the distance makes me appreciate you all so much more. LOVE YOU!!!

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