Friday, April 4, 2008

SPring has Sprung (sort of)

Well, from time to time we have seen bursts of spring. My Bradford pears are on the verge of erupting with beautiful white blossoms. The parks are full of children flying kites and playing soccer. We also had 2 -3 inches of snow last week. Welcome to Utah.

This week our children, Emily 9, Kayla 7, and Hannah 4, started swimming lessons in anticipation of our planned trip to Orlando, FL. It was encouraging to see all three jump right in the water with no noticeable fear. Hannah was particularly amusing (as she often is). She seem to have a great deal of natural ability, much like her great-grandfather.

Michelle continues to work with the Young Women as Mia-Maid adviser, and loves it. She has a knack for working with those girls. I am still busy working with the Bishopric.

Our basement is progressing at glacial speed, but it is progressing. Hopefully we will have a dedication party by the end of summer. We'll keep you posted.

Please feel free to post your own experiences and comments

We love you!


CrazyCow said...

Glad to hear that the girls are learning how to swim.. Swimming is a really good skill to have. Tell them all that Aunt Melissa loves them and that I can't wait to go to Hannah's favorite place in the whole world. Hey Mark screwed yourself lately? HA HA

Big Kahuna said...

No I haven't screwed myself latly, but Hannah announced, during a primary discussion about going the extra mile, that "my dad never goes the extra mile." This story was recently retold in Sacrament meeting by the Primary president. Yes, she will be released.
Love you all!

Big Kahuna